Goat farming in Thailand
The goat herd is our pride & joy here on Porpeang farm.
Goat farming is so much fun and they are hugely entertaining to be around. They are caring, funny, both clever & silly, & on the whole, very trusting once they get to know you.
The herd was formed back in 06/08/2019 with our initial young girls Black Jack, PJ & Hoover.
Since then the herd has grown to 18 strong. This includes our aloof Billy goat Mr Tumnus & four baby kids.
The farming of goats in Thailand has huge potential to do well. Although we don't keep goats for dairy, the goat meat industry is thriving & supply cannot meet current market demand. This is largely mirrored throughout the world.
Over 67% of the world's population eats goat meat. The lean meat is extremely healthy too. It's packed with nutrition & low in fat.
Goat meat prices continue to rise & feed costs are very low depending on the land you have available.
Getting started keeping goats
Although buying your initial females can be quite expensive & tricky to source, they reproduce & grow very quickly.
Most goats are hardy animals & relatively easy to keep. Internal parasites are the main issues that have to be controlled. As long as a goat can get out of the rain & keep their feet dry, they are content.
Future plans for our goat venture
We are focused on becoming the proud custodians of a large healthy herd for years to come. Our target is a herd in excess of one hundred. +95% of these will be females (does) for breeding. The majority of young Billys/Bucklings will be sold on at approximately 25kg.
Our goat herd now totals 69
Goats reproduce at an alarming rate of knots.
Keep yourself up to date with our goat herd blog:
Recommended related goat playlist:
Recommended related goat video: