Farming Redclaw crayfish in Thailand
Our stock of fascinating Redclaw crayfish (also known as Yabbies & Crawfish) is one of the most prized & tastiest assets we have here on the farm.
Originating from Australia, the Cherax Quadricarinatus is a fast-growing species of freshwater crayfish.
Males can reach an impressive maximum weight of around 600 grams, & females around 400 grams.
Redclaw crayfish are classed as a non-native species of Thailand & potentially invasive to the Thai waterways.
Because of this, potential breeders require a licence if they intend to grow Redclaws in the Land of Smiles.
Once we had acquired the required permission from our local Department of Fisheries, we ordered our first 1,500 baby crayfish.
This initial stock was introduced into our cement block tank.
Tank set up
As well as the baby Yabbies, we also stocked a handful of guppies into the tank.
These brightly coloured little fish are formidable hunters. They make short work of any mosquito larvae that inevitably hatch out in the tank.
A few snails, small glass shrimp & aquatic plants make up the rest of the tank's inhabitants.
The tank flourishes with the help of a few air-stones for oxygen & plastic egg trays & bits of pipework for the Crayfish to hide under.
Grow-out ponds
It didn't take very long for our Redclaws to outgrow their temporary home in the tank.
We have now constructed an impenetrable barrier around a sizeable outside pond. Here the adult crayfish have been stocked to grow to an ideal marketing size of around 70-200 grams.
Trapped pregnant (berried) females are transferred back to the cement tanks to hatch out their young before being returned back to the pond.
We now have redclaw crayfish available for purchase.
Click here for more information.
If you would like to know more please don't hesitate to contact us for further information.